Contact Cosmetic & Emergency Denture Clinic
If you would like to book your appointment, or have any questions about the general, cosmetic and emergency denture services we offer, just give us a call or send us an email or text anytime!
We usually Respond To Any Denture Emergency Calls Within 15 minutes. Our DENTURIST, One Of Your Local DENTURE SPECIALISTS, Is “ON-CALL” 7 Days A Week, 365 Days A Year!
Phone (416) 536-4521
Drop us a note
Contact The Cohen Cosmetic & Emergency Denture Clinic to refer a patient for an emergency or a cosmetic denture treatment from your dental, denture, or medical office. Please email the details of your referral to this email address: reception@cosmeticdenturist.com. We will forward our clinic’s referral slips for your future referral by snail mail.
If you have any questions for our staff or you want to make an appointment on line, simply send us an email and someone from our team will get back to you shortly.
Clinic Hours
Mon-Fri: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
1849 Yonge St., Suite 501, Medical & Dental Center across from Davisville Subway Station
Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1Y2
Privacy Policy
We respect your privacy. We will not willfully disclose any individually identifiable information about you to any third party without first receiving your permission, as explained in this privacy statement. Furthermore, we do not specifically target children under the age of 16, nor do we knowingly collect, without parental consent, individually identifiable information from such children.
What Information Do We Collect?
We do not collect any personal information other than that which is specifically and knowingly provided to us. The collection and disclosure of any personal information is protected and remain within the scope of our practice.
Consent and Changes to this Privacy Statement?
By using our site or services, you consent to the use of your information within the scope of Cohen Cosmetic And Emergency Clinics Denture Practice as it has been outlined in this privacy statement. We may decide to change this privacy statement from time to time. If and when we do, we will post the changes on this page so that you are always aware of the information we use.
Effective Sept.15, 2015
Cosmetic oral rehabilitation with gum veneer