Low Dentures Cost and Custom Cosmetic Dentures

What is the Difference?
Think of DENTURES as if they were your clothing. There are ready-to-wear low cost dentures that come “off the rack.” The pattern’s the same, and the materials are very average. Then there are CUSTOM COSMETIC DENTURES that are individually designed for you, with the right fit and the best materials the dentistry has to offer. There are hundreds of clinical and design choices. Individuals have different requirements and need their own personal look.
There’s an old buyer’s axiom that goes: you get what you pay for, and nothing more. It’s not often that this saying is wrong, and it could not be more right than with denture prices.
The dentures cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Usually the price reflects both the complexity and the robustness of the designed dentures. Of course, there are also some basic denturist’s fees related to the daily operation of the office, administration, and any check- ups that may be required first.
Denturists offer a range of dentures from the high-end to the low-end. Higher end dentures tend to have more guarantees and warranties, while with the lower end dentures most of the liability shifts to the patient.
High-end ’premium’ models of cosmetic dentures/implant supported overdentures are anywhere from $1795.00 up to $2500.00 per arch. That’s a serious investment of cash and you do end up getting a fair bit in the deal. With a high-end model you can expect many things. First of all, they’ll be the most life-like dentures money can buy. Often the materials have a very realistic color to them. The ’gum’ portion of the denture is often the hardest to realistically replicate. High-end dentures use advanced materials to simulate the look and color of the gums. Next come the teeth. They’re usually long lasting, life-like, and use composite/isosit acrylic resins.
Working our way down to the low end, a transitional denture can be as cheap as $595.00 However, these temporary dentures look phony, don’t last very long. Overall the quality difference is very noticeable, especially to the person wearing it.
On average, the mid-range options of “premium custom” dentures such as BPS dentures usually offer the best mix of comfort, quality, price, and longevity. A mid-range “premium custom” denture costs about $1495.00 per arch and will last 7 to 10 years. Unless you have money to spend on a top-of-the-line denture, the mid-range is probably the best choice for a patient with an average and healthy oral conditions. Spending $595.00 on the temporary denture can seem tempting, but considering their short useful life span of about 1 year and unsightly appearance, it’s usually not even worth the money.
Dentures are a serious investment of your time and money. Be sure to consult a denturist for prices specifically related to your oral condition and your situation.
CUSTOM COSMETIC PREMIUM DENTURES, unlike LOW-COST DENTURES, must be one-of-a-kind. Remember, you’ll be wearing them every day for many years!
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Cosmetic oral rehabilitation with gum veneer