It is our goal as DENTURE SPECIALISTS to design and fabricate dentures that fit very well. Most of the time we are very successful due to the fact that new denture fit/conform to the shape of the mouth PERFECTLY AT FIRST.
It is a dental fact that the shape of the gums changes under the denture from the very moment dentures are being worn. Bone ridges, aka gums, get smaller and smaller. However, hard plastic of the denture does not change. After about two years, the difference between the shape of the denture and the shape of the mouth becomes very noticeable. Denture becomes very loose. It may dislodge from the mouth at any time, particularly during eating, laughing, coughing.
In an effort to compensate for this inevitable bone loss and restore the retentive quality of the denture, a procedure such as RELINE OF THE DENTURE IS ALWAYS PRESCRIBED.
Hard Reline
During this procedure, the Denture Specialist takes an impression of the bone ridge inside of the old denture. The exact reproduction of the mouth of NOW is recorded. The relined denture is going to be fitted to that exact reproduction. There will be an intimate contact between the gums and the denture. As a result, a good fit of the denture is attained. Under certain conditions, this procedure may be performed “at the chairside”. Usually it takes about 1 hour.
Soft Reline
This procedure is identical to the “hard reline” described above. The only difference is the material used to reline a denture. In this instance, the material is soft and it remains relatively soft for up to two years. Usually, the SOFT RELINE is prescribed to patients with very flat, flabby ridges which are constantly sore under the hard denture acrylic resin. In majority of situations, the soft reline is the treatment of choice when patients cannot wear a regular hard acrylic resin denture because of the constant soreness.
Denture Rebase
It is the same clinical procedure as the reline. However, the difference is that ALL acrylic resin (not just the inside of the denture) is REPLACED. The only parts of the denture that are kept are TEETH. Usually, this procedure is prescribed when the denture base (pink acrylic resin) is very old, heavily stained, or cracked beyond repair. This is a denture makeup. It is NOT a new denture, but it is a revitalized version of the it. This procedure cannot be done in 1 hour. It normally takes up to 2 days.
More information on a type of denture which is more suitable to your
particular dental condition could be obtained by requesting a
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We respect your privacy. We will not willfully disclose any individually identifiable information about you to any third party without first receiving your permission, as explained in this privacy statement. Furthermore, we do not specifically target children under the age of 16, nor do we knowingly collect, without parental consent, individually identifiable information from such children.
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We do not collect any personal information other than that which is specifically and knowingly provided to us. The collection and disclosure of any personal information is protected and remain within the scope of our practice.
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By using our site or services, you consent to the use of your information within the scope of Cohen Cosmetic And Emergency Clinics Denture Practice as it has been outlined in this privacy statement. We may decide to change this privacy statement from time to time. If and when we do, we will post the changes on this page so that you are always aware of the information we use.
Effective Sept.15, 2015
Cosmetic oral rehabilitation with gum veneer